Law enforcement agencies are under a lot of pressure to reduce crime in their communities. And they are having to do this with fewer dollars and people.
An important component to successful crime reduction is the ability to search and analyze vast amounts of incident and crime data, which provides agency leaders a solid basis for making decisions that impact internal policies and the community at large. However, many of the analysis solutions available to law enforcement agencies lack certain capabilities that could make job tasks easier for analysts and decision-making more informed for relevant stakeholders.
In this blog series, I’ve pinpointed four big challenges that many incident and crime analysists face. In my last post, I discussed how Intergraph InSight Explorer’s advanced search capabilities help analysts address the inability to analyze unstructured data fields – a capability missing in many analytics tools. In my second post, I will focus on how Intergraph InSight Explorer helps analysts overcome multiple, disconnected systems. Let’s get started.
Challenge: Multiple, Disconnected Data Systems
Here’s a reality check: Critical information needed for investigations and analysis often resides in different systems – that are not integrated. For crime and incident analysts, this creates a time-consuming, slow process of finding, retrieving, and preparing records for analysis.
When an analyst has to collate and correlate data from multiple, disconnect sources, the likelihood of lost details and human error from manually inputting data significantly increases. It is difficult, if not impossible, for analysts to perform correlation-analysis on use-cases from CFS linked to fatalities, traffic analysis, drunk driving incidents, district redrawing, street lights to break-ins for automobiles, or low income to crime analysis.
Many analysis tools also lack export options that creating briefings and presentations of findings. These issues add up to missing capabilities that can hinder an investigation or a series related crimes from reaching a successful conclusion.
Solution: Single Tool Approach
By using Elasticsearch capabilities, Intergraph InSight Explorer helps analysts and agencies overcome disconnected systems by reducing the number of systems and tools they need. It easily processes millions of records of structured and unstructured data from multiple, historically siloed sources and combines them into a single crime mapping and analysis application. Intergraph InSight Explorer provides a single tool approach that can also support an agency’s need for a Big Data solution.
As a unified data platform, Intergraph InSight Explorer helps analysts easily and efficiently query, collect, analyze, and visualize numerous data sets – without an analyst having to be a geospatial professional. At the same time, it helps agency IT leadership move further toward an enterprise information architecture for their systems. Intergraph InSight Explorer also has out-of-the-box integration with Intergraph Computer-Aided Dispatch system and Intergraph InPursuit WebRMS.
In my next post, I will discuss how many analysis solutions bog analysts and agencies down with time-consuming data preparation. If you interested in learning more about Intergraph Insight Explorer, visit our product page today.