Cloud-Based Exploitation with M.App X

As we move away from the desktop and towards cloud-based exploitation, we open up new opportunities for users to access advanced features from our product suites, such as remote sensing and photogrammetry workflows, in a way that offers more flexibility. This flexibility is especially important for defense organizations that need their solutions tailored to a specific environment. M.App X, designed for modern defense and intelligence agencies, provides true cloud-based exploitation of diverse data sources.

In Part 11 of the Geospatial Keynote, Mladen introduces a new product, M.App X. M.App X is a cloud-based application that synthesizes GIS and remote sensing workflows in a web browser. It allows defense organizations a way to connect to multi-source content, exploit that content, and deliver intelligence to support ongoing missions. M.App X provides a 360 degree form for doing intelligence and exploitation against multicourse content that is being collected by agencies.

Hexagon Geospatial spent 18 months working with Hexagon US Federal to create this new form for the GEOINT community to experience geointelligence in the modern age.  With cloud-based solutions, such as M.App X, we are changing how software is delivered and making it accessible across the globe.

Cloud-Based Exploitation with M.App X

In this video clip, Mladen shows an example of planning process for an extraction of military personnel. Here, M.App X provides the intelligence needed to analyze weather conditions, terrain, vegetation and other information needed to quickly make decisions.

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