HxGN OnCall Records: Public Safety Records Management the Easy Way

The historic officer’s lament has been paperwork. Idioms abound: tied to a desk, drowning in paperwork. Yet there’s no question that access to accurate and timely records are critically important, particularly in the current public safety environment. Not only do good records lead to good policing (investigation tracking, suspect information, jail tracking and more), but they’re necessary for agency-to-agency investigations, arrests, and prosecutions.

Hexagon developed the HxGN OnCall public safety platform to help agencies of all sizes make more informed decisions, easily connect devices, systems, and people; and harness technology to better meet future demands. Our records management solution HxGN OnCall Records electronically supports every stage of operation and ensures agencies maintain control – even in rapidly changing situations.

Why HxGN OnCall Records?

Modern public safety agencies are facing more challenges than ever. Not only are demands growing, but resources are also lacking as budgets remain stagnant and threats continue to rise. What agencies need now more than ever are tools that provide crucial resources while also reducing costs. HxGN OnCall Records was developed with those needs in mind.

Whether responding to emergencies, investigating crimes, or performing routine patrols, public safety agencies need efficient tools to capture and search accurate information. This information must also be accessible in as many different places as possible – including the field. HxGN OnCall Records features a cloud-deployable records management system (RMS) that delivers fast access to information and powerful capabilities whenever and wherever needed. A flexible software suite, it offers simple centralized administration and configuration of clients and embedded interfaces. Most importantly, it adapts to the unique needs of agencies of all sizes and serves all facets of law enforcement operations and administration.

Benefits of HxGN OnCall Records

Because HxGN OnCall Records helps agencies capture and access records data from anywhere, it prioritizes essential capabilities, such as streamlining records collection and administration and improving resource management. It increases the speed and flexibility offered by legacy systems and supports access from PCs, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. But there is more to HxGN OnCall Records than an innovative user experience.

Serves All Facets of Law Enforcement — Law enforcement operations include a countless number of components, from field and office reporting and patrols to investigations, custody, and administration. HxGN OnCall Records supports all of these by linking data points to a central records management database, meeting government reporting requirements (e.g., NIBRS or UCR formats), delivering a complete workflow solution for case management and investigative processes, and more.

Field Mobility — Without the power to search and update information in the field, first responders will always be a step behind during critical moments. HxGN OnCall Records provides two separate applications to help field personnel enhance awareness and increase efficiency: HxGN OnCall Records | Mobile Field Reporting, a browser client optimized for in-unit workflows, and HxGN OnCall Records | Mobile, a mobile app for capturing information with hand-held devices.

Analytics & Reporting — Quality governance and investigations are built on a foundation of solid reporting and analytics capabilities. That’s why HxGN OnCall Records not only supports the efficient preparation of statutory reports and data submissions but also works with HxGN OnCall Analytics, our easy-to-use public safety data visualization and analytics suite. By enabling more employees to visualize data, run reports, and conduct analysis, public safety agencies can develop intelligence, advance investigations, and build public confidence.


There’s no question that public safety agencies today face tougher demands and fewer resources than previous generations – but not all is lost. Designed with you in mind, HxGN OnCall Records is a cost-effective records management solution that accommodates agencies of any size, growing with them to meet their needs today and tomorrow.

Deliver more effective policing and reduce costs with HxGN OnCall Records.

Gina Steadman
HxGN OnCall Records Product Manager

To learn more about HxGN OnCall Records, visit our product page.

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