The sea is vital to the European economy, but it can also be a source of danger. Criminals and terrorists have been known to take haven on the water, and maritime accidents and disasters are concerns as well.
Enhancing security and safety at sea is a critical task, and the best way to do it is by cooperating at national and international levels. The Maritime Integrated Surveillance Awareness (MARISA) initiative aims to do just that, with 22 partners from nine European countries working together to develop the solution.
MARISA helps coast guard organisations monitor the situation at sea by leveraging the power of individual source data such as satellite imagery, vessel automatic identification system (AIS) data and open-source intelligence (OSINT).
Having that data is important, but making it rapidly available and presenting it with high accuracy in a professional layout is also crucial. Hexagon’s geospatial technology powers a user interface to support visualisation of large volumes of data, enabling easy and optimised operator interaction.
To learn more, read the complete case study.