End Your Data Reporting Nightmare with HxGN OnCall Analytics

Great public safety work requires a lot of data. Unfortunately, many agencies don’t have the staff or tools to properly collect, analyze, and use that data. HxGN OnCall Analytics helps solve this problem.

The advanced data visualization and analytics platform enables staff to run custom reports, as well as leverage pre-built, business-ready reports that all staff can use, regardless of their technical background. These powerful, interactive reports allow you to:

  • Easily explore complex data in intuitive ways
  • Achieve valuable, out-of-the-box results
  • Access and use data for self-service analysis

Although some reports are pre-built, they can be adjusted to fit your agency’s needs. Users can quickly create custom reports that provide advanced insights, answer a myriad of business questions, and fulfill mandated requirements.

Let’s take a look at three out-of-the-box reporting functions your agency can leverage with HxGN OnCall Analytics.

1. Monitor current events, units, and PSAP performance.

HxGN OnCall Analytics offers visual dashboards that provide live overviews of the key components of your agency, including call levels, unit status and location, call-taker/dispatcher workload, and more. You can then review and download these overviews to determine how well your agency responds to events, detects performance issues, and identifies crucial factors affecting response times.

2. Align PSAP resources and patrol to demand.

Gain exceptional insight into the trends affecting incident demand, distribution, and individual workloads, so your agency can easily deploy resources and ensure your staff’s well-being. Additionally, understand when event volume is at its largest, what the top incident types are, and how your units are spending their time.

3. Manage incidents while supporting governance and oversight.

With HxGN OnCall Analytics, you can monitor incident trends and compliance for laws, such as speed management. Identify top locations and incident types, and examine open cases and close-out rates for investigations. Finally, reports give agencies the full details and timelines of events/operations that cover all call-takers, dispatchers, supervisors, units, and field personnel.

Next steps

To learn more about how your public safety agency can turn knowledge into action, explore the HxGN OnCall Analytics data visualization and analytics tool.

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