El Paso County safeguards public with scalable dispatch capabilities 

El Paso, Texas is unique. Situated in the farthest western corner of the state near the U.S.-Mexico border, it is the 20th largest city in the United States. Despite its size, it is isolated from other large cities in Texas.

Responsible for a population of about 850,000 residents, the El Paso County 911 District handles more than 1.1 million calls for service annually. The 911 District supports one primary public safety answering point (PSAP) with a combined 54 call taker and dispatcher positions, one backup PSAP with 38 combined positions, and 11 secondary PSAPs with a total of 26 combined positions. Together, these PSAPs serve 39 public safety agencies.

Find out how the 911 District relies on a shared computer-aided dispatch system to support interoperability among emergency response agencies across the region.

Read the full case study.

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