Command and Control in the Digital Age

Confronted with asymmetric warfare since the end of the cold war, NATO and its allies have gained and maintained an edge over their enemies thanks to their advanced command and control (C2) systems and total air superiority.

Modern C2 systems have allowed the forces to execute missions better and faster than ever before, largely thanks to the networking of information flows, improvements in information sharing, and the consequent ability to process data at the more tactical and mobile HQ level. The C2 systems used today are highly efficient but are still stove-piped by service and by nation. NATO is pushing the limits of the possible by integrating forces of different nations, however even new NATO systems such as Allied Ground Surveillance are not yet integrated to the national systems of the member nations.

Two major trends are currently taking shape, that require profound rethinking of both doctrine, organization and systems: the emergence of near-peer opponents and the exponential increase in the quantity of data available.

To meet the challenges presented by these trends, a concept for 21st century warfare is emerging, that goes beyond the now-classical industrial era C2: Multi Domain Command and Control (MDC2). MDC2 is C2 for the digital age.

MDC2 will enable forces from different services and different nations to conduct joint operations with more agility, at a tempo that is too fast for the opponents to understand and counter.

MDC2 is revolutionary, and the opportunity it presents to our universities, academies and industry is unlike any seen in the last 30 years.

Discover how Luciad technology is used to support NATO Air and Joint Operations Capability by downloading the case study.


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