Belgium and Hexagon Team Up for Lockheed Martin F-35 Program

If you told a national leader they could enhance global security, strengthen critical alliances, and drive economic growth with one decision, they would most likely seize the opportunity.

These are the objectives of countries participating in Lockheed Martin’s F-35 program, which provides F-35 fighter aircraft to member countries around the globe. We at Hexagon are excited to support Belgium, the 13th country to join, as the nation’s leaders set the program objectives in their sights.

In March, I and other Hexagon representatives attended an invitation-only meeting in Belgium to start the process of participating in the F-35 program. Hexagon was selected to support Belgium’s exclusive strategic interests. We at Hexagon were honored to be among only 22 companies selected by the Belgian government for formal introduction to Lockheed Martin.

As a participant in the F-35 program, Belgium will of course equip its armed forces’ Belgian Air Component with the F-35 next-generation fighter aircraft. But the F-35 program is more than a mere sale/purchase of a flying platform. It is also about know-how and technology transfer.

Part of the agreement provides that the Belgian hi-tech industry must be involved in contributing technology either to the F-35 itself, or to supporting capabilities around the aircraft. Hexagon was selected for this through its Geospatial division. The Geospatial division has a large R&D hub in Leuven, Belgium, where the Luciad portfolio is being developed.

Hexagon was the only Defense-related software company to attend the event, and the company was selected for consideration as a supplier of C4ISR capability. Further fine-tuning of Hexagon’s role is now ongoing.

The F-35 and Luciad Portfolio: A Match Made for the Skies

What makes the F-35 aircraft a critical part of modern military operations? According to Lockheed Martin, “With stealth technology, advanced sensors, weapons capacity, and range, the F-35 is the most lethal, survivable, and connected fighter aircraft ever built.”

The F-35 also surpasses its competition due to its “ability to collect, analyze, and share data,” which enhances the ability of military personnel to perform operations from the ground to the airspace.

This collaborative opportunity is truly exciting for Hexagon because of the alignment of the F-35’s capabilities with our Luciad Portfolio.

Through desktop, browser, mobile, and server solutions, Luciad Portfolio prides itself on connective capabilities. These solutions empower users to take data from any source – live sensor data, historical data, the latest satellite imagery – and show you the connections between the data, offering 2D/3D visualization coupled with dynamic analytics, all in one view. This provides a common operating picture from the field to the control room, where everyone has the necessary information for their security level to make decisions fast and save lives.

Continuing the Collaboration

We are excited to see how Belgium will utilize the Luciad Portfolio to enhance their partnership with Lockheed Martin in support of mission-critical decision making.  Over the coming months, Hexagon, the Belgium government, Lockheed Martin, and the other industry participants will further define how we can contribute to the mission success of the Belgian Air Component and other users of the F-35 worldwide.

Stay tuned to the Sensing Change Blog for more information on Hexagon’s collaboration with Belgium, Lockheed Martin, and the F-35 program.

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