Game-changing disconnected mobile app for utilities and telecommunications

A revolutionary offline-capable utilities and telecommunications field app has finally arrived. 

Imagine the frustration faced by a field technician who, after two hours of work, discovers he or she is disconnected from the database. The technician is forced to repeat two hours of work – while experiencing emotional turmoil – resulting in wasted time and resources. 

Jobs in remote areas with limited connectivity present several challenges for utility and telecommunications field technicians. They must download static subsets days or potentially weeks ahead, leading to the potential of data inaccuracies and conflicts due to stale records.  The process becomes even harder when dealing with external contractors. By the time the crew arrives at the job site, it’s not uncommon for the downloaded data to already be outdated. 

As common as these problems are, technology simply hasn’t advanced enough to solve them – until now. 

Welcome to the future of utilities and telecommunications field work

Hexagon’s mobile utilities and telecommunications solution operates seamlessly in both online and offline environments, supporting both planned and unplanned disconnections – and it’s the first solution on the market to operate in a hybrid online/offline mode.  

“Utilizing our new HxGN NetWorks Framework | Mobile Pro technology, the need to prepare subsets or store caches of network data is a thing of the past,” said Vice President and General Manager, North America Infrastructure for Hexagon’s Safety, Infrastructure & Geospatial division Dave Kenney. 

Offline data syncs automatically in the background, ensuring it remains up to date without requiring user involvement. Seamless transitions between areas with and without coverage ensure the user experience remains unaffected, so work is not interrupted when a user loses wireless coverage. This cutting-edge technology is also browser based, eliminating the need for installations or application updates. It is compatible across operating systems and devices, supporting Windows, iOS and Android on a laptop, tablet or mobile phone. 

Auto-sync of the offline caches and any edits the user does in the field is a distinct advantage for field techs working in areas with poor wireless coverage as they only initially need to pull a local cache for the areas with poor network coverage.  Once initially pulled, it’s concurrency is automatically maintained, so the user always has the most up-to-date view of the records.  

All analytical functionality like finds, queries and network traces are available offline. This powerful app also supports non-HxGN NetWorks data replication, allowing essential information like CIS data to be available even in an offline cache. 

The lines of communication between devices, caches and servers are always encrypted and secure. 

Hexagon’s next-generation technology ensures that unexpected disconnections are no longer a concern for field techs. They can now accomplish their tasks without disruptions, saving time, money and stress. 

See for yourself

Don’t believe the hype? Explore the future of utilities and telecommunications field work with Hexagon’s innovative mobile solutions.

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