SBB Transport Police protect more than 1M passengers daily

Swiss Federal Railways (Schweizerischen Bundesbahnen, or SBB) is one of the largest transport companies in Switzerland and has averaged more than 1.3 million passengers daily for the past several years.

Integral to maintaining smooth and safe operations for SBB are the SBB Transport Police control centre and almost 250 SBB Transport Police officers, whose responsibilities include policing trains and stations and maintaining public safety. The control centre, which handles more than 150,000 calls for service each year, deals with incidents and emergencies, as well as planned events, and has relied on Hexagon’s computer-aided dispatch (CAD) solution since 2005.

The control centre manages all incoming calls for service from SBB-owned infrastructure. And since most incidents occur on moving trains, SBB Transport Police often collaborate with the regional police who have jurisdiction in the location where a train stops following an incident.

“The flexibility and configurability of Hexagon’s CAD system is optimal for our operations. The complexities of our policing environment are very different from those of other public safety agencies, and we rely on the system to provide us with the situational awareness required to keep passengers and our personnel safe.”

– Etienne Stojanovic, product owner at SBB Transport Police

Read the full case study to see how SBB maintains public transport safety across Switzerland.

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