6 ways an advanced telecommunications GIS can help transform networks

Fiber to the x (FTTx) and 5G provide high-speed, low-latency networks that power innovation in business, government and consumer experiences. To support more and faster fiber and 5G rollout, telecommunications network operators need to solve a variety of problems, from design process standardization and information sharing to work management and cost control. They require ever more intensive collaboration between the field and back office and better insights into ongoing activities and their progress.

While a functionally capable network model that delivers accurate, current information across organizations is the right approach, conventional GIS tools lack the detail and ability to model the relationships needed to integrate with operational systems and coordinate a network’s logical and physical elements.

An advanced telecommunications GIS can enable utilities, communications providers and local governments to design, document, administer, analyze, maintain and manage their fiber optic networks, providing location-based information and tools for the complete lifecycle of civil infrastructure and fiber network management.

Find out six ways an advanced telecommunications GIS can help operators transform their networks through a distributed, modular and cross-platform multi-user design environment.

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